What People Are Saying
Guest Experiences & Reviews
- Everything here was amazing. The classes are very well thought out and accessible to all abilities. I went as a solo traveler and met lots of great people. All the staff and instructors are excellent and I highly recommend that you go. Don’t hesitate. You will love it here.read moreread lessPhil B4/22/2024
Everything here was amazing. The classes are very well thought out and accessible to all abilities. I went as a solo traveler and met lots of great people. All the staff and instructors are excellent and I highly recommend that you go. Don’t hesitate. You will love it here.
read moreread lessPhil B.4/22/2024OMG where do I start??? O.K. let's start with an apology it's taken me so long to leave this review - especially since I was raving about this place from Day 1 and it's now already been a month since I left!!!! I stayed for 29 days & had THE BEST experience! I honestly can't fault this place, so much so that I already rebooked for another month next year!!! Yes, I know there are a gazillion other retreats & locations around the world to try out but when somewhere ticks all the boxes for you, you've just got to come back for more!!! I loved the schedule for starters (& when I say schedule it was all optional - no pressure to join anything you didn't feel like!) but being an early riser anyway, I loved the 7am hike to get the juices flowing! Some of the hikes were more challenging than others & I would say that it certainly helps to have a basic level of fitness BUT what you don't have in week 1 you will certainly have in week 3 & 4 🙂 The 11am yoga session was always the biggest challenge for me as I'm not experienced in yoga and was REALLY inflexible to start with but I felt this was something I really wanted to persevere in as it's so good for the body. I'm still no "yogi" today but feel soooo much more flexible than I did when I started and am now inspired to continue! My favourite session of the day was the Strength Training! I never thought I could look forward to a 5pm gym session every day but Netta made this possible! I loved how she pushed us without pressurizing us & the results to me were amazing! I lost 6kg & 15cm (!!!) off my belly in those 4 weeks 🙂 The daily schedule was then also peppered with Breathwork sessions, ice-baths, meditation and more, all still leaving plenty of time to check out the beach, chill by the pool or just snooze in your air-con room...... And finally, the food!!!! OMG the FOOD!!!! The menu is INSANE! I'm not even a vegetarian yet I absolutely LOVED the mainly vegan menu! How can all these dishes taste so good??? In fact the food there was our main topic at the long shared tables in the cafe at every mealtime. "Ooooh, what are you having?" to "Ooooh can I have a taste?" to "Quesadillas again please?" were commonly heard questions 🙂 The friendships we all made during our time here were not JUST based on the amazing food but I'm sure no-one left without the memory of that being their favourite topic 😉 And apart from the wonderful people I met during my 4 weeks - mostly women traveling solo & every individual with their own story - I have to end on the most precious aspect of this resort - the STAFF!!!! Oh my, such beautiful people, from the amazing cafe-staff who remember your name from Day 1 and ALWAYS greet you with a smile, to the friendly room-cleaning team that also ensure your drinking water is topped up to the superb management team looking after your every need! Leo, Netta, Joe, Lander, Kit, Pao, Enjoy, everyone else in the kitchen & also your drivers - I am absolutely in awe of what you have created & CANNOT wait to come back next year!!!!! Much Love, Kimread moreread lessKim M4/16/2024OMG where do I start??? O.K. let's start with an apology it's taken me so long to leave this review - especially since I was raving about this place from Day 1 and it's now already been a month since I left!!!! I stayed for 29 days & had THE BEST experience! I honestly can't fault this place, so much so that I already rebooked for another month next year!!! Yes, I know there are a gazillion other retreats & locations around the world to try out but when somewhere ticks all the boxes for you, you've just got to come back for more!!! I loved the schedule for starters (& when I say schedule it was all optional - no pressure to join anything you didn't feel like!) but being an early riser anyway, I loved the 7am hike to get the juices flowing! Some of the hikes were more challenging than others & I would say that it certainly helps to have a basic level of fitness BUT what you don't have in week 1 you will certainly have in week 3 & 4 🙂 The 11am yoga session was always the biggest challenge for me as I'm not experienced in yoga and was REALLY inflexible to start with but I felt this was something I really wanted to persevere in as it's so good for the body. I'm still no "yogi" today but feel soooo much more flexible than I did when I started and am now inspired to continue! My favourite session of the day was the Strength Training! I never thought I could look forward to a 5pm gym session every day but Netta made this possible! I loved how she pushed us without pressurizing us & the results to me were amazing! I lost 6kg & 15cm (!!!) off my belly in those 4 weeks 🙂 The daily schedule was then also peppered with Breathwork sessions, ice-baths, meditation and more, all still leaving plenty of time to check out the beach, chill by the pool or just snooze in your air-con room...... And finally, the food!!!! OMG the FOOD!!!! The menu is INSANE! I'm not even a vegetarian yet I absolutely LOVED the mainly vegan menu! How can all these dishes taste so good??? In fact the food there was our main topic at the long shared tables in the cafe at every mealtime. "Ooooh, what are you having?" to "Ooooh can I have a taste?" to "Quesadillas again please?" were commonly heard questions 🙂 The friendships we all made during our time here were not JUST based on the amazing food but I'm sure no-one left without the memory of that being their favourite topic 😉 And apart from the wonderful people I met during my 4 weeks - mostly women traveling solo & every individual with their own story - I have to end on the most precious aspect of this resort - the STAFF!!!! Oh my, such beautiful people, from the amazing cafe-staff who remember your name from Day 1 and ALWAYS greet you with a smile, to the friendly room-cleaning team that also ensure your drinking water is topped up to the superb management team looking after your every need! Leo, Netta, Joe, Lander, Kit, Pao, Enjoy, everyone else in the kitchen & also your drivers - I am absolutely in awe of what you have created & CANNOT wait to come back next year!!!!! Much Love, Kim
read moreread lessKim M.4/16/2024Da ich ein Reset von meinem ungesunden und stressigen Manager Alltag wollte, bin ich für 2 Wochen hierher gekommen. Ich war zum 1. Mal in meinem Leben in einem Retreat, hatte noch keine Detox oder Yoga Erfahrung. Ich habe seit 5 Jahren keinen Sport gemacht, bin über 40 und stark übergewichtig. Ich bin kein Vegetarier und zum 1. Mal in Thailand. Ich hatte etwas schlichtes ohne Pseudo Elitären Touch und in Meeresnähe gesucht. Wie fast alle Gäste bin ich alleine gekommen und wollte das hier einfach mal ausprobieren, in der Hoffnung dass es mir hilft. Und ich wurde positiv überrascht: das Wochenprogramm ist sehr ausgewogen und wird beim Willkommens Meeting erklärt. Die Trainerin Netta macht mit ihren Workouts einen tollen Job. Auch die Yoga, Qi Gong, Atemtechnik und Eisbad Trainer sind alle einfühlsam und super mit den Erklärungen. Das Programm mit den Ausflügen am Morgen ist ein intensiver Start in den Tag. Alles ist freiwillig, man wird zu nichts gezwungen. So machte es mir noch mehr Freude. Die Gäste aus vielen verschiedenen Ländern sind ebenfalls sehr angenehm, von Anfang 20 bis 70 Jahre und verschiedene Fitness Level. Jeder hat einen tieferen Grund für die Reise hierher, ob Körper und/ oder Seele. Also keine mühsamen und lauten Party Rüpel, alle sind rücksichtsvoll und respektvoll. Es gibt eine Chatgruppe und Fotoportal zum Austausch während des Aufenthalts, eine schöne Idee für ein nettes Miteinander. Ich hatte Zimmer Nummer 3, eines der ruhigsten Zimmer hier. Die Ausstattung ist sehr schlicht, aber sauber. Das Bad ist etwas veraltet. Die Matratzen waren perfekt für mein Gewicht, ich bekam keine Rückenschmerzen. Die Klimaanlage ist ziemlich neu. Die Retreat Anlage mit Pool ist klein und gepflegt, mit nur wenigen Mängeln. Der General Manager Leo sorgt aber mit seinem Team nach und nach für Verbesserungen. Das Essen im zum Retreat gehörenden vegetarischen Restaurant Wild Tribe ist vielfältig und sehr gut zubereitet. Ich hatte kein All inclusive gebucht, habe aber meist hier gegessen. Lokale mit Fisch und Fleisch gibt es aber ebenfalls einige Gute am Strand in der Nähe. Das Personal ist durchgehend freundlich und hilfsbereit, hat immer ein Lächeln auf den Lippen. Meine täglichen Massagen im Retreat und gegenüber bei Wawa waren sehr gut, der Masseur hier hat Kraft und wendet bei Bedarf Techniken wie ein Osteophat an. Meine Hoffnung wurde also erfüllt: Detox und Restart für Körper und Seele. Ich habe viel neues gelernt und erfahren. Für mich ein idealer Start in ein gesünderes Leben. Ich werde wieder kommen. Danke an das gesamte Team!read moreread lessFreude am Fahren3/03/2024Love love love what Lander, Leo, Netta and everyone else are creating here. I attended a two week retreat and everything was great. Got to try a lot of different styles of movement, meditations, breathwork etc. Food is amazing and staff is very friendly. Met so many wonderful people too! Thank you <3read moreread lessTina Dahl3/01/2024This retreat is awesome, super healthy food, brilliant program for fitness and yoga and super location for winter sun.read moreread lessMaya Van heerden3/01/2024I attended the retreat for a two week period as a first timer, just two weeks before Christmas 2023 and LOVED IT!. While researching a fitness health retreat i could do i my own i stumbled on this and from all the photo's, video's and reviews i read my experience was amazing and am so happy and proud i did it!. The balance of outdoor fitness activities, yoga styles, weight training sessions, the amazing food and ambiance and community there made me feel 100% safe, free, independent and strong. What a great formula with time to socialise, be on your own, venture off, be active and explore and of course be challenged physically. The staff at the cafe and resort and all the fitness team and trainers were so friendly and accommodating. Really knowledgeable. Probably my own suggestion is that rooms are in need of some updating but i went knowing what to expect. I loved it, came home so happy and in peace. I am now thinking of when i can come back! Thank you for being part of my experience there...xoxread moreread lessNathalie Dupavillon2/08/2024I (48m/office worker/not fit) started 2024 here for 15 days travelling solo. Sorry this is long - but yeah, there’s a lot to say. Without question, the best break away I’ve ever had. Where to start…? From the beginning I suppose. I arrived and met the always amazing staff and the new retreaters and we cautiously settled in to this new temporary life of health and activity. The weeks schedule was WhatsApp shared by Netta and then onshared around the world. “Wow” my friends and family expressed. “That’s full on”. Well I’m not here for beer and bed. After days 1&2 and 6 fitness sessions in, my body ached. I filled up with dinner, had a swim in the lovely pool, and retired to the cool sanctuary that was my room. Day 3, 7am bike ride awaits. Days 3-6 the ache transitioned to more an awareness of muscular use, my mind and stomach were cleared of crap, I was sleeping like a baby. By now friendships were forming and an alliance of “we are through the hardest part, let’s do this” existed. Day 7 tested that view as Muay Thai training realised a new level of cardio discomfort but later that day we met Diego and his breathwork and ice bath. I am fortunate to have been part of an experience like that. Fear and nerves turned to pride and completion. And all throughout the daily yoga and then Netta’s late afternoon work outs. Week 2 started with new tribe mates arriving as we farewelled others. The veterans enjoyed watching the newbies day 1-3 muscle awakenings, as new friendships formed, new activities occurred and suddenly the second week ended, with another experience with Diego and hugs to say good bye to all. This place has it all. It’s away from the hustle but close enough to a 7-11 and other necessities, the staff are world class and make the experience what it is, the facilities are clean and everything works. And then if you want a beach for swim or a sun rise in tranquility - that’s 90 seconds away. I enjoyed the spread of ages of guests. Single. Couples. Younger and less young. I enjoyed the busy (optional) schedule as much as I enjoyed my mind calming, my sleep returning and my body thanking me. Thanks everyone, Michael. Rooms: Big, spacious and had everything I needed. The air conditioning was excellent. They were well cleaned daily. They aren’t 5 star and for that price and why I was there I didn’t want 5 star. But as an escape from the heat and to rest my weary body - perfect. Noteworthy details: Wild Tribe Cafe on site. It’s a $1 or two more expensive than the town and I did venture out to try town food and save a dollar, once or twice. It’s not worth the $1 saving. Wild Tribe is a friendly atmosphere, large or small tables to sit with retreaters or other passers by or read a book by yourself. Staff who seem genuinely happy and once they learn your name, greet you personally and happily every time. And the food - blows my mind - and my tummy.read moreread lessM C2/08/2024 - I spent my Christmas and New Year holidays in Visit Natural Detox Resort and had the best time ever. Location: The resort is a few minutes away from Lamai Beach, but it’s away from the touristy and bustling area. It’s in a quiet location but still connected to the village. So, we are not being isolated and can still go to places easily. There are laundry, café, and restaurants close by as well. Room: The bungalow by the pool is spacious and very well thought out. It’s simple yet has everything you need. The bed is big and comfortable. There are suitable spaces in the room for me to hang clothes. The water in the shower is always hot, and the water pressure is excellent. The AC could be a little strong, but I managed to adjust it. I had a very nice stay in this room for 7 nights. Pool: It’s a small pool, but it’s good enough for leisure swimming and lounging. I also love that I could step out of the room, and the pool is already there. It’s also a great place for the yoga retreat group to socialize and hang out. Café: I love the food in the Wild Tribe Café. There are a lot of options for vegan or healthy food. Perfect for a detox. The staff in the café are all very friendly and smiley, and they remember everyone’s name. Yoga retreat program: This retreat program is “action-packed,” and I am surprised that I did it all! The variety of activities keeps my curiosity going, and I love every bit of it. I also had the chance to do things I had never done before, such as Muay Thai, breathwork, meditation, and ice bath. Leo and Netta were always cheerful and encouraging and explained the event well, which made the program successful. The yoga teachers are all very knowledgeable, and the flow is quite good. Love it. The retreat program also made it easy to make friends and bond. I definitely will stay in touch with the people I am friends with during the program!read moreread lessSophia Chu2/08/2024I stayed for 3 weeks and loved everyday! I was travelling on my own and wanted a place to feel safe and be active. I was exposed to many new experiences such as mediation, breathing exercises and boxing. I was encouraged to go biking after having a fear lasting 30 years! The staff were amazing (Joe, Pao, Mod Pum - and soooo many others:) Leo was an incredible presence - Neeta was super encouraging. If you are interested in boxing work with Chit an accomplished boxer who comes to the resort - which is very clean. The rooms are very basic, clean and have the essentials. The food at the cafe is amazing super healthy - awesome smoothies and my favorite protein pancakes:) looking forward to seeing you all next year!!read moreread lessM M1/08/2024Had a great time on my trip, will come back 100% , its great for what you pay for and i did the none inclusive options as i can be a picky eater but i loved the food at the cafe and i have actually not eaten meat since! With all the classes being optional i did have to nap a couple of times because of the heat ahahah, the staff were so lovely and just knew all the guests name and always greeted me with a cute smile ;') , I made new friends with the same mindset as me which was very enjoyable! Thank you!read moreread lessTaylor Bowe1/08/2024We did just short of a week here and can highly recommend it. They really know what they are doing. Every day we had a different style of yoga, which was eye opening, and meant that we can go home and look for the one we liked the best. Netta, person doing the bulk of the training sessions, was an absolute star and came up with a variety of training sessions that could be adapted to suit the beginner as well as the more experienced. Thank you for a great time 🙂read moreread lessMike S11/30/2023
We did just short of a week here and can highly recommend it. They really know what they are doing. Every day we had a different style of yoga, which was eye opening, and meant that we can go home and look for the one we liked the best. Netta, person doing the bulk of the training sessions, was an absolute star and came up with a variety of training sessions that could be adapted to suit the beginner as well as the more experienced. Thank you for a great time 🙂
read moreread lessMike S.11/30/2023Visit Natural Detox was PERFECT for me!! I could not write in words how completely wonderful my experience here was. For me… the rooms were perfect!! I didn’t need anything fancy, I just needed clean and functional, and they were exactly that.The staff cleaned them almost everyday!! They went above and beyond to make my stay comfortable. I am really grateful to the cleaning staff! Thank you! Netta and Leo were amazing!!!! Netta is so passionate about functional safe movement, she is so considerate in her classes and goes above and beyond to each individual.She helped me a lot with some issues I had with me leg, and it’s made a huge difference for me. Leo is the most supportive guide. He is full of love, life and laughter and just sets the energy for the whole experience. Really…. I can’t express enough how much I loved this retreat . Oh and the food!!! Was delicious!!! And it felt so good eating such healthy food! My body and mind felt so good. And the staff at the wild tribe cafe do EVERYTHING they can to accomodate any changes or wishes to menu. They are beautiful people and bring the whole place together in that beautiful cafe. The thing I loved the most is the entire community of the place. I felt so supported in all my desires to grow and learn as a person. Joe and the admin staff are always there to help with anything also. Or even just to have a chat. The hikes were amazing!!!!! The classes were wonderful! I left with everything I wanted from the Experience…. And more!! Thank you to everyone. I’m coming back!!read moreread lessAngela C8/13/2023Visit Natural Detox was PERFECT for me!! I could not write in words how completely wonderful my experience here was. For me… the rooms were perfect!! I didn’t need anything fancy, I just needed clean and functional, and they were exactly that.The staff cleaned them almost everyday!! They went above and beyond to make my stay comfortable. I am really grateful to the cleaning staff! Thank you! Netta and Leo were amazing!!!! Netta is so passionate about functional safe movement, she is so considerate in her classes and goes above and beyond to each individual.She helped me a lot with some issues I had with me leg, and it’s made a huge difference for me. Leo is the most supportive guide. He is full of love, life and laughter and just sets the energy for the whole experience. Really…. I can’t express enough how much I loved this retreat . Oh and the food!!! Was delicious!!! And it felt so good eating such healthy food! My body and mind felt so good. And the staff at the wild tribe cafe do EVERYTHING they can to accomodate any changes or wishes to menu. They are beautiful people and bring the whole place together in that beautiful cafe. The thing I loved the most is the entire community of the place. I felt so supported in all my desires to grow and learn as a person. Joe and the admin staff are always there to help with anything also. Or even just to have a chat. The hikes were amazing!!!!! The classes were wonderful! I left with everything I wanted from the Experience…. And more!! Thank you to everyone. I’m coming back!!
read moreread lessAngela C.8/13/2023I was looking for a holiday I could go to on my own, although in the end a friend came with me. This is the perfect singles holiday as there are so many group activities, you are constantly with other people and in the breaks there’s often not enough time to go anywhere so you hang out with the group and make friends. We often ate together with small groups elsewhere in the evenings too. Equally, you’re free to do your own thing. None of the activities are too hard if you are of a reasonable level of fitness but together three exercise sessions a day is a good all round workout. I most enjoyed the walks but was pleasantly surprised by the variety and quality of the yoga. I doubt I lost much weight in a week but I have come away inspired to live more healthily so that is a win! Location wise the resort is just off the main strip of Lamai Beach, a busy but not too smart part of Ko Samui. It’s a short walk through a nearby resort to the beach or a slightly longer walk via the public path. There are massage parlours, nail bars, tourist boutiques, laundries and all the things tourists want nearby. There are also many other cafes and bars nearby for when you want to try some different food (although the breakfasts in particular at Wild Tribe cafe are sensational). Noting this is a two star resort, the room is a good size, the bed is both good and big and it is quiet! Luxury this is not but it is good value. In summary, recommended if you want to kick start a healthy lifestyle or just not come away from a holiday fatter than when you started. Perfect for singles and if you like a schedule and keeping busy on holiday, this is for you.read moreread lessJosephine D8/04/2023 -
I was looking for a holiday I could go to on my own, although in the end a friend came with me. This is the perfect singles holiday as there are so many group activities, you are constantly with other people and in the breaks there’s often not enough time to go anywhere so you hang out with the group and make friends. We often ate together with small groups elsewhere in the evenings too. Equally, you’re free to do your own thing. None of the activities are too hard if you are of a reasonable level of fitness but together three exercise sessions a day is a good all round workout. I most enjoyed the walks but was pleasantly surprised by the variety and quality of the yoga. I doubt I lost much weight in a week but I have come away inspired to live more healthily so that is a win! Location wise the resort is just off the main strip of Lamai Beach, a busy but not too smart part of Ko Samui. It’s a short walk through a nearby resort to the beach or a slightly longer walk via the public path. There are massage parlours, nail bars, tourist boutiques, laundries and all the things tourists want nearby. There are also many other cafes and bars nearby for when you want to try some different food (although the breakfasts in particular at Wild Tribe cafe are sensational). Noting this is a two star resort, the room is a good size, the bed is both good and big and it is quiet! Luxury this is not but it is good value. In summary, recommended if you want to kick start a healthy lifestyle or just not come away from a holiday fatter than when you started. Perfect for singles and if you like a schedule and keeping busy on holiday, this is for you.
read moreread lessJosephine D.8/04/2023I came here on a 10 day yoga and fitness retreat with my mum and aunty. We are all different ages and abilities however we all had amazing individual experiences. All the staff were lovely and helpful with any request we had, including the girls in the restaurant, Eric and Joe on reception, all of the yoga teachers, Leo and Lander the owner who accompanied us on our morning waterfall hike. We have done several retreats, many in Thailand but also all over the world and this was one of the best in terms of value for money, staff, definitely the food (5 star) and the amount and type of activities included in the package as well as daily massages and sunrise meditation. The days were jam-packed but you still felt so energised by the next morning. The food is healthy and detoxing but tasty and fresh and after ten days left us feeling great inside out. The quality of the yoga classes was excellent. I personally prefer faster paced classes and they put on a more advanced vinyasa flow yoga session during the week but I even found the ying and chakra yoga so beneficial for my body and mind. The retreat really has a community vibe which made it more enjoyable. We also did an excellent one hour breathwork session with Diego which was followed by a 3 minute ice bath and was a completely different experience from anything we have done. This was one of the highlights of our trip which pushed us out of our comfort zones. The retreat is in a great location close to the town and close to Lamai beach which was lovely and we swam in the warm sea every day. My only tips would be to have more of a focus on meditation sessions and the spiritual side of the retreat, a sound healing session would be nice and maybe a little more in the rooms e.g. more hangers and the bathrooms upgraded as they felt a little dated but the rooms were well-kept, simple and clean. Overall it was an amazing experience away from the craziness of London that we were seeking and it did not disappoint.read moreread lessAlicia4/13/2023I came here on a 10 day yoga and fitness retreat with my mum and aunty. We are all different ages and abilities however we all had amazing individual experiences. All the staff were lovely and helpful with any request we had, including the girls in the restaurant, Eric and Joe on reception, all of the yoga teachers, Leo and Lander the owner who accompanied us on our morning waterfall hike. We have done several retreats, many in Thailand but also all over the world and this was one of the best in terms of value for money, staff, definitely the food (5 star) and the amount and type of activities included in the package as well as daily massages and sunrise meditation. The days were jam-packed but you still felt so energised by the next morning. The food is healthy and detoxing but tasty and fresh and after ten days left us feeling great inside out. The quality of the yoga classes was excellent. I personally prefer faster paced classes and they put on a more advanced vinyasa flow yoga session during the week but I even found the ying and chakra yoga so beneficial for my body and mind. The retreat really has a community vibe which made it more enjoyable. We also did an excellent one hour breathwork session with Diego which was followed by a 3 minute ice bath and was a completely different experience from anything we have done. This was one of the highlights of our trip which pushed us out of our comfort zones. The retreat is in a great location close to the town and close to Lamai beach which was lovely and we swam in the warm sea every day. My only tips would be to have more of a focus on meditation sessions and the spiritual side of the retreat, a sound healing session would be nice and maybe a little more in the rooms e.g. more hangers and the bathrooms upgraded as they felt a little dated but the rooms were well-kept, simple and clean. Overall it was an amazing experience away from the craziness of London that we were seeking and it did not disappoint.
read moreread lessAlicia4/13/2023Just back from an amazing 15 day Detox Retreat. Wished I could have stayed so much longer. I felt the warm, friendly & welcoming vibe the moment I arrived at check in and was handed a fresh, delicious coconut juice..the small things make all the difference! The on site Management Team (Leo & Netta) and all the staff are all very knowledgeable and always willing to go that extra mile..they see you as an individual with in the group here. There is never a pressure to do anything you don't want to, you can go at your own pace, doing as much or as little as you want in any given moment. All shapes, sizes and levels of fitness are equally seen & made so welcome. I joined in most activities most of the time but I also recognised that going from exercising a moderate 3-4 times per week to 3 times per day was a massive jump so I opted in and out in ways that made me feel personally stretched but balanced. The Team encourage you to honour your own body and journey! This is not about egos more about Self Love, appropriate fitness, health and well being in ways that work for you regardless of what everyone else is achieving or doing. If you're sitting on the fence, I'd strongly recommend anyone to go for it, you'll absolutely love it! At the very least just go for the food which is just amazing but mostly gift yourself a beautiful Self Love experience, make lifetime friends of all nationalities and have fun in the sun. Just Do IT!read moreread lessJackie G3/29/2023Just back from an amazing 15 day Detox Retreat. Wished I could have stayed so much longer. I felt the warm, friendly & welcoming vibe the moment I arrived at check in and was handed a fresh, delicious coconut juice..the small things make all the difference! The on site Management Team (Leo & Netta) and all the staff are all very knowledgeable and always willing to go that extra mile..they see you as an individual with in the group here. There is never a pressure to do anything you don't want to, you can go at your own pace, doing as much or as little as you want in any given moment. All shapes, sizes and levels of fitness are equally seen & made so welcome. I joined in most activities most of the time but I also recognised that going from exercising a moderate 3-4 times per week to 3 times per day was a massive jump so I opted in and out in ways that made me feel personally stretched but balanced. The Team encourage you to honour your own body and journey! This is not about egos more about Self Love, appropriate fitness, health and well being in ways that work for you regardless of what everyone else is achieving or doing. If you're sitting on the fence, I'd strongly recommend anyone to go for it, you'll absolutely love it! At the very least just go for the food which is just amazing but mostly gift yourself a beautiful Self Love experience, make lifetime friends of all nationalities and have fun in the sun. Just Do IT!
read moreread lessJackie G.3/29/2023I had a wonderful stay at Visit Natural Detox. From the first contact with the staff via email they were friendly, professional, and swift to respond. They arranged a taxi transfer for me from the airport that went absolutely smoothly. I booked the room and classes package and had most of my meals at the Wild Tribe Café, which serves amazing food and has the most wonderful, friendly staff. The staff at the resort - Leo, Netta, Eric, Lander, Ive - were very attentive to any question or issue I had, and dealt with them quickly and efficiently. They were also such nice people! The accommodation itself is very simple and no-frills, but comfortable. The classes were amazing - the 7 am activities (different each day), the wonderful yoga classes at 11, and the strength and conditioning classes with Netta in the afternoon. There was lots of personal, hands-on attention for each participant, which was fabulous. All those great things aside, the best thing for me was the wonderful company ... the group of strangers who came together at the retreat bonded really quickly, and the great thing about having the café on site is that you could always head down there and there would be someone to sit with and chat. We'd have long, interesting conversations, and lots of laughter. I'd recommend this experience to anyone, and am already planning my return.read moreread lessSmartypants1013/05/2023I had a wonderful stay at Visit Natural Detox. From the first contact with the staff via email they were friendly, professional, and swift to respond. They arranged a taxi transfer for me from the airport that went absolutely smoothly. I booked the room and classes package and had most of my meals at the Wild Tribe Café, which serves amazing food and has the most wonderful, friendly staff. The staff at the resort - Leo, Netta, Eric, Lander, Ive - were very attentive to any question or issue I had, and dealt with them quickly and efficiently. They were also such nice people! The accommodation itself is very simple and no-frills, but comfortable. The classes were amazing - the 7 am activities (different each day), the wonderful yoga classes at 11, and the strength and conditioning classes with Netta in the afternoon. There was lots of personal, hands-on attention for each participant, which was fabulous. All those great things aside, the best thing for me was the wonderful company ... the group of strangers who came together at the retreat bonded really quickly, and the great thing about having the café on site is that you could always head down there and there would be someone to sit with and chat. We'd have long, interesting conversations, and lots of laughter. I'd recommend this experience to anyone, and am already planning my return.
read moreread lessSmartypants1013/05/2023I loved this place, they cannot do more for you.btue staff are so friendly and helpful. If you go alone they don't leave you alone they make sure you know who the other people are in the groups. The walks are amazing but they are trying, however you can do it and when you reach the final point it's so worth it. Lander,Netter and Leo have your best interests at heart and if you have any questions or queries they will after you. The food is absolutely first class, and so is the service. I would highly recommend this place.read moreread lessGbehr2/10/2023I loved this place, they cannot do more for you.btue staff are so friendly and helpful. If you go alone they don't leave you alone they make sure you know who the other people are in the groups. The walks are amazing but they are trying, however you can do it and when you reach the final point it's so worth it. Lander,Netter and Leo have your best interests at heart and if you have any questions or queries they will after you. The food is absolutely first class, and so is the service. I would highly recommend this place.
read moreread lessGbehr2/10/2023 - The cozy, clean, simple but comfortable resort is close to the beach and offers a balanced programme of challenging morning walks or cycling, mostly gentle yoga and quality workouts. Thankfully, it’s not a high pressure bootcamp, but a nurturing environment promoting healthy food and a professional, personal approach to fitness, respecting individual goals and abilities. Lander has assembled an awesome, personable team throughout the resort from reception, yoga instructors, personal trainer, spa and massage, maintenance, housekeeping and the wonderful Wild Tribe superfood café staff. All project positive healthy vibes which resonate with clients who often form long lasting bonds. It’s a happy, healthy place where you can return every year-my second time but not the last! Special thank you to Lander and Netta for another memorable 2 weeks in paradise!read moreread lessCarole C1/08/2023
The cozy, clean, simple but comfortable resort is close to the beach and offers a balanced programme of challenging morning walks or cycling, mostly gentle yoga and quality workouts. Thankfully, it’s not a high pressure bootcamp, but a nurturing environment promoting healthy food and a professional, personal approach to fitness, respecting individual goals and abilities. Lander has assembled an awesome, personable team throughout the resort from reception, yoga instructors, personal trainer, spa and massage, maintenance, housekeeping and the wonderful Wild Tribe superfood café staff. All project positive healthy vibes which resonate with clients who often form long lasting bonds. It’s a happy, healthy place where you can return every year-my second time but not the last! Special thank you to Lander and Netta for another memorable 2 weeks in paradise!
read moreread lessCarole C.1/08/2023I TRULY LOVE staying and visiting here! I have experienced both the full detox and exercise package and just room only. I will always be a repeat client for both! Lander and his team of staff and instructors always manage to have and maintain a fabulous friendly almost family atmosphere. Your rooms are more than fair for what you need and in this price bracket. Their website is very clear and true to what the facilities are and their Wild Tride Cafe food is... simply magical! The hotel is well placed with laundry services opposite and a beach just around the corner and in house as well as local massage buinesses for well-being OR muscle relief after the wonderful exercise offerings. This is not a 5 star resort but let us be honest... it does and has everything you could need WITH an atmosphere you can not buy in much more expensive resorts. If you need a break from lots of technology, the stress of life or a real life health kick, this is the place to go.read moreread lessMoo O11/14/2022I TRULY LOVE staying and visiting here! I have experienced both the full detox and exercise package and just room only. I will always be a repeat client for both! Lander and his team of staff and instructors always manage to have and maintain a fabulous friendly almost family atmosphere. Your rooms are more than fair for what you need and in this price bracket. Their website is very clear and true to what the facilities are and their Wild Tride Cafe food is... simply magical! The hotel is well placed with laundry services opposite and a beach just around the corner and in house as well as local massage buinesses for well-being OR muscle relief after the wonderful exercise offerings. This is not a 5 star resort but let us be honest... it does and has everything you could need WITH an atmosphere you can not buy in much more expensive resorts. If you need a break from lots of technology, the stress of life or a real life health kick, this is the place to go.
read moreread lessMoo O.11/14/2022I am glad that I choose to stay in this resort for the 8 days detox programme, i have so much fun, feeling refresh and created a healthy eating habit, the place is chill and you can just go out for a swim. Besides, it is ao close to Lamai beach and so convenient for everything.read moreread lessNatalie9/16/2022I am glad that I choose to stay in this resort for the 8 days detox programme, i have so much fun, feeling refresh and created a healthy eating habit, the place is chill and you can just go out for a swim. Besides, it is ao close to Lamai beach and so convenient for everything.
read moreread lessNatalie9/16/2022I spent a full week at the natural detox program. Accommodation was basic but comfortable and clean. Good air conditioner in the room and comfy king bed. Daily activities were varied and amazing for cardio and strength. Good opportunity to view the southern part of the island. I met some amazing people and the staff, trainers and the manager Lander were all so professional and friendly. Would definitely come back again.read moreread lessKrobson89/15/2022I spent a full week at the natural detox program. Accommodation was basic but comfortable and clean. Good air conditioner in the room and comfy king bed. Daily activities were varied and amazing for cardio and strength. Good opportunity to view the southern part of the island. I met some amazing people and the staff, trainers and the manager Lander were all so professional and friendly. Would definitely come back again.
read moreread lessKrobson89/15/2022I've booked 2 weeks all inclusive package and it turned out to be the best decision I took in a long time. The activities are great, offering different morning exercises every day, from nature hikes to picturesque viewpoints and walks around Lamai, as well as Muay Thai classes next door. The jungle hike followed by a refreshing swim at a waterfall was definitely my favorite way of starting the day. Morning activities would be followed by a healthy, refreshing breakfast and a regenerating yoga session, with different styles and teachers, suitable for all levels. The strength workouts with Caroline are fun and motivating, just what you need to boost your energy in the afternoon and increase the fitness level. The food was delicious, fresh, offering a great variety of selection. The stunning beach is located at only 5 min walking distance. The Wild Tribe Cafe and group activities are offering a great opportunity to meet people of all ages and countries and if you travel solo or in company, is almost certain you will leave Lamai with some new friends. After 2 weeks. I left the resort healthier. both physically and mentally and ready to bring into my every day life a more consistent fitness routine and cleaner eating habits. Thank you Lander, Caroline, Cream, Ann and team for helping me recharge, reset a healthier lifestyle and for the great memories!read moreread lessRaluca D.7/08/2022 - I really enjoyed my time here. Lander and his team are professional, warm and encouraging- whatever your level of fitness. I met my fitness goals, ate healthily at the great on-site cafe and visited lovely spots on the island on the daily hikes. The accommodation is perfectly nice and the pool is great to cool down. This isn’t a high end resort but is great value for money. The location is good- v close to beautiful Lamai beach. Come soon!read moreread lessChristine Pickin6/27/2022I found Visit Natural Detox Resort looking for a yoga retreat online, being in a much needed break away from the city and to give a healthy reset to my life. The resort advertised fitness, yoga, weight loss, detox and without giving any additional thought I booked a 2 weeks all inclusive package and it turned out to be the best decision I took in a very long time. The resort exceeded my expectations on all levels. The activities are great, offering a combination of different morning exercises from nature hikes to picturesque viewpoints and walks around Lamai, which are not only a very effective cardio workout, but also an amazing opportunity to discover the stunning island, as well as Muay Thai classes at the school next door. The jungle hike followed by a refreshing swim at a waterfall was definitely my favorite way of starting the day. The morning activity would be followed by a healthy, refreshing breakfast and a relaxing yoga session, with different styles and teachers every day of the week, suitable for all levels. The strength workouts with Caroline are fun and motivating, and just what you need to boost your energy in the afternoon and increase fitness levels. The food was delicious, fresh, offering an appreciable selection from smoothies, salads and more filling options such as rice bowls, thai dishes and superfood mains. The Wild Tribe Cafe and group activities provide a great opportunity to meet people of all ages and countries and if you travel solo or in company, is almost certain you will leave the resort with some new friends. After 2 weeks, I left Visit Natural Detox healthier, both physically and mentally and feel ready to bring into my every day life a more consistent fitness routine and cleaner eating habits. Thank you Lander, Caroline, Cream, Ann and all Wild Tribe Cafe and Visit Natural Detox Resort team for helping me recharge, reset a healthier lifestyle, for the great memories and all the amazing people I met on the way. Kob khun ka 🙏🏼 Ralucaread moreread lessRaluca D.6/07/2022
I found Visit Natural Detox Resort looking for a yoga retreat online, being in a much needed break away from the city and to give a healthy reset to my life. The resort advertised fitness, yoga, weight loss, detox and without giving any additional thought I booked a 2 weeks all inclusive package and it turned out to be the best decision I took in a very long time. The resort exceeded my expectations on all levels. The activities are great, offering a combination of different morning exercises from nature hikes to picturesque viewpoints and walks around Lamai, which are not only a very effective cardio workout, but also an amazing opportunity to discover the stunning island, as well as Muay Thai classes at the school next door. The jungle hike followed by a refreshing swim at a waterfall was definitely my favorite way of starting the day. The morning activity would be followed by a healthy, refreshing breakfast and a relaxing yoga session, with different styles and teachers every day of the week, suitable for all levels. The strength workouts with Caroline are fun and motivating, and just what you need to boost your energy in the afternoon and increase fitness levels. The food was delicious, fresh, offering an appreciable selection from smoothies, salads and more filling options such as rice bowls, thai dishes and superfood mains. The Wild Tribe Cafe and group activities provide a great opportunity to meet people of all ages and countries and if you travel solo or in company, is almost certain you will leave the resort with some new friends. After 2 weeks, I left Visit Natural Detox healthier, both physically and mentally and feel ready to bring into my every day life a more consistent fitness routine and cleaner eating habits. Thank you Lander, Caroline, Cream, Ann and all Wild Tribe Cafe and Visit Natural Detox Resort team for helping me recharge, reset a healthier lifestyle, for the great memories and all the amazing people I met on the way. Kob khun ka 🙏🏼 Raluca
read moreread lessRaluca D.6/07/2022Je viens de passer les deux dernières semaines de mai 2022 en pension complète. Ils allient l'activité physique, la nourriture saine et du Yoga . Je ne suis pas végétarien, pas un grand sportif et je n'ai jamais fais de Yoga. Mais c'est je pense le bon endroit pour démarrer. 2 heures de marche le matin de 7 à 9 h jamais le même circuit par contre toujours un point de vue insolite. Au retour petit déj plus copieux et savoureux, 11 h Yoga on alterne 5 enseignants ce qui permet de voir plusieurs type de yoga. 12h déjeuner plus que copieux et plus que savoureux . 17 h cours de condition physique fitness intense mais s'adaptant à tous les profils . 18h massage juste de l'autre côté de la route. 19h diner copieux et savoureux mais je l'ai déjà dit. Bilan de tout cela pas de sensation de manque de nourriture pas de sensation de fatigue et - 4kg sur la balance et -3.5% de masse graisseuse interne et + 3% de masse musculaire. C'est un bon début à moi de poursuivre l'aventure de retour dans la vie quotidienne. Donc n'hésitez pas allez faire un tour là bas vous serez bien accueilliread moreread lessDamien Lize5/28/2022Je viens de passer les deux dernières semaines de mai 2022 en pension complète. Ils allient l'activité physique, la nourriture saine et du Yoga . Je ne suis pas végétarien, pas un grand sportif et je n'ai jamais fais de Yoga. Mais c'est je pense le bon endroit pour démarrer. 2 heures de marche le matin de 7 à 9 h jamais le même circuit par contre toujours un point de vue insolite. Au retour petit déj plus copieux et savoureux, 11 h Yoga on alterne 5 enseignants ce qui permet de voir plusieurs type de yoga. 12h déjeuner plus que copieux et plus que savoureux . 17 h cours de condition physique fitness intense mais s'adaptant à tous les profils . 18h massage juste de l'autre côté de la route. 19h diner copieux et savoureux mais je l'ai déjà dit. Bilan de tout cela pas de sensation de manque de nourriture pas de sensation de fatigue et - 4kg sur la balance et -3.5% de masse graisseuse interne et + 3% de masse musculaire. C'est un bon début à moi de poursuivre l'aventure de retour dans la vie quotidienne. Donc n'hésitez pas allez faire un tour là bas vous serez bien accueilli
read moreread lessDamien L.5/28/2022I stayed at Visit Natural Detox in May 2022 after booking the two week programme which I found on a random google search when looking for a holiday where I could keep active and take a break between corporate jobs at home. I didn't do a lot of research in to my trip before I went but I can safely say it was a brilliant decision. Lander and the team (who are all ace) have found a great balance between a packed and thorough schedule and a relaxed environment where people can go at their own pace and there's no pressure. For what I was looking for, this was the perfect combination. The other guests at the time I was staying were from all over the world and made for a really interesting group of people and I have made so many new friends. The cardio workouts were a combination of hikes, cycling, aquagym and muaythai classes at the school next door (which is a great workout and is really fun!). Each day at 11am there is a yoga class, run by different teachers throughout the week, all of whom are brilliant and teach different styles of yoga. Over the time I was there, I definitely felt like I was getting better and enjoyed every class. I felt like I learnt a lot from Michael in particular who has some really interesting and thought provoking insights. Special shout out to Caroline the PT who made the strength and conditioning classes unintimidating and fun with some great tunes. I no longer have a fear of a group exercise class! The team at Wild Tribe are so lovely and the food is all delicious. Service was always with a smile and brightened up even the rainy days. The massages that are included in the full package were a particular highlight and much appreciated at the end of a busy day. Despite a busy schedule, there's still plenty of time for relaxing on the beautiful beach at Lamai, a trip to the marine national park and visits around the rest of the island (Fisherman's village, Crystal bay and Chaweng). I enjoyed my stay here so much that I extended for another week. I couldn't recommend it more if you're looking for a relaxed but active retreat where you get as much out of it as you are prepared to put in. I've come back home feeling happier, fitter and much more relaxed - would loved to have stayed longer.read moreread lessSLF5/27/2022I stayed at Visit Natural Detox in May 2022 after booking the two week programme which I found on a random google search when looking for a holiday where I could keep active and take a break between corporate jobs at home. I didn't do a lot of research in to my trip before I went but I can safely say it was a brilliant decision. Lander and the team (who are all ace) have found a great balance between a packed and thorough schedule and a relaxed environment where people can go at their own pace and there's no pressure. For what I was looking for, this was the perfect combination. The other guests at the time I was staying were from all over the world and made for a really interesting group of people and I have made so many new friends. The cardio workouts were a combination of hikes, cycling, aquagym and muaythai classes at the school next door (which is a great workout and is really fun!). Each day at 11am there is a yoga class, run by different teachers throughout the week, all of whom are brilliant and teach different styles of yoga. Over the time I was there, I definitely felt like I was getting better and enjoyed every class. I felt like I learnt a lot from Michael in particular who has some really interesting and thought provoking insights. Special shout out to Caroline the PT who made the strength and conditioning classes unintimidating and fun with some great tunes. I no longer have a fear of a group exercise class! The team at Wild Tribe are so lovely and the food is all delicious. Service was always with a smile and brightened up even the rainy days. The massages that are included in the full package were a particular highlight and much appreciated at the end of a busy day. Despite a busy schedule, there's still plenty of time for relaxing on the beautiful beach at Lamai, a trip to the marine national park and visits around the rest of the island (Fisherman's village, Crystal bay and Chaweng). I enjoyed my stay here so much that I extended for another week. I couldn't recommend it more if you're looking for a relaxed but active retreat where you get as much out of it as you are prepared to put in. I've come back home feeling happier, fitter and much more relaxed - would loved to have stayed longer.
read moreread lessSLF5/27/2022Я провела неделю на ретрите с Ландером и это было превосходно. Утром хайкинг в самый красивые места Самуи, дальше йога и тренировка, все активности по вашему желанию + медитация под звездами. Сказать что организатор и персонал суперприветливые и крутые это не сказать ничего: общаться одно удовольствие, помогут, подскажут, расскажут все что нужно! Номера простые, но чистые, все что нужно есть, уборка по запросу без проблем. Спасибо организаторам, это было круто!read moreread lessMariya K5/15/2022Я провела неделю на ретрите с Ландером и это было превосходно. Утром хайкинг в самый красивые места Самуи, дальше йога и тренировка, все активности по вашему желанию + медитация под звездами. Сказать что организатор и персонал суперприветливые и крутые это не сказать ничего: общаться одно удовольствие, помогут, подскажут, расскажут все что нужно! Номера простые, но чистые, все что нужно есть, уборка по запросу без проблем. Спасибо организаторам, это было круто!
read moreread lessMariya K.5/15/2022 - I went for a 2-week all inclusive retreat at Visit. Everything from morning cardio sessions with Lander to strength sessions with Caroline were amazing. Sweating together in a nice company is the best 😜 the food in wild tribe cafe us delicious and super healthy, so you can get healthier and fitter without starving yourself. As a person who gets easily bored on vacation, this retreat was a perfect solution for me. I had a schedule that I needed to follow without having to come up with things to do by myself. I advise this retreat to anyone who wants to get fit in a nice atmosphere, enjoy beautiful places and eat clean. All staff were super friendly and helpful, rooms simple and clean. The resort is very conveniently located, you’re close to everything you need (nicest beach on the island, shops, restaurants) but away from all the hustle and bustle I will highly recommend this retreat to all my friendsread moreread lessIlya A4/23/2022
I went for a 2-week all inclusive retreat at Visit. Everything from morning cardio sessions with Lander to strength sessions with Caroline were amazing. Sweating together in a nice company is the best 😜 the food in wild tribe cafe us delicious and super healthy, so you can get healthier and fitter without starving yourself. As a person who gets easily bored on vacation, this retreat was a perfect solution for me. I had a schedule that I needed to follow without having to come up with things to do by myself. I advise this retreat to anyone who wants to get fit in a nice atmosphere, enjoy beautiful places and eat clean. All staff were super friendly and helpful, rooms simple and clean. The resort is very conveniently located, you’re close to everything you need (nicest beach on the island, shops, restaurants) but away from all the hustle and bustle I will highly recommend this retreat to all my friends
read moreread lessIlya A.4/23/2022We came here a little nervous of what to expect as we had booked the full one week all inclusive detox program. As two unfit middle aged people who had not done any serous exercise for years we were immediately put at ease.Everyone on the program was individually assessed and then the week was adapted to our own personal physical ability. All staff were friendly and extremely helpful. Accommodation was basic but comfortable . Even though we are not vegetarian we both really enjoyed the food in the Wild Tribe Cafe which is part of the complex.Special thanks to Rosa the personal trainer and Micheal the Yoga instructor. We lost 5.7kg between us and felt so much fitter at the end of the week. Highly recommended for a unique experience at an affordable price.read moreread lessloz2/06/2022We came here a little nervous of what to expect as we had booked the full one week all inclusive detox program. As two unfit middle aged people who had not done any serous exercise for years we were immediately put at ease.Everyone on the program was individually assessed and then the week was adapted to our own personal physical ability. All staff were friendly and extremely helpful. Accommodation was basic but comfortable . Even though we are not vegetarian we both really enjoyed the food in the Wild Tribe Cafe which is part of the complex.Special thanks to Rosa the personal trainer and Micheal the Yoga instructor. We lost 5.7kg between us and felt so much fitter at the end of the week. Highly recommended for a unique experience at an affordable price.
read moreread lessloz2/06/2022I did the 15 days revitalize energy program, which was great fun with awesome people. There was a good balance between being challenging and time to relax and not to forget, the food is amazing. Lander is always there if you need anything. Thanks for a wonderful experience!read moreread lessIsa12/30/2021I did the 15 days revitalize energy program, which was great fun with awesome people. There was a good balance between being challenging and time to relax and not to forget, the food is amazing. Lander is always there if you need anything. Thanks for a wonderful experience!
read moreread lessIsa12/30/2021Natural detox resort is a great place to get in shape, eat amazing food and meet new friends. I stayed with them for two weeks and had such a great time. The classes are suitable for every level of fitness and are great fun. The food served in their cafe is healthy and nourish the body after the work outs. I will definitely be back one day.read moreread lessStefan S12/28/2021Natural detox resort is a great place to get in shape, eat amazing food and meet new friends. I stayed with them for two weeks and had such a great time. The classes are suitable for every level of fitness and are great fun. The food served in their cafe is healthy and nourish the body after the work outs. I will definitely be back one day.
read moreread lessStefan S.12/28/2021 - พนักงานบริการดีห้องพักสะอาดสระว่ายน้ำก็สวยราคาไม่แพง ช่วงนี้ covid เขาลด 80% ด้วยนะจ๊ะread moreread lessชัชฏาภรณ์ แซ่เตียว11/01/2020Fantastic retreat with everything you need. Staff and trainers are super friendly, helpful, professional and ready to make you work hard. Different activities every morning for hiking, cycling etc so good way to see the island too. Food in the wild tribe cafe is just delicious.read moreread lessKatie Hall7/30/2020Best cafe in Samui I really enjoy the juice and healthy food. The resort have really nice pool and nature have sound of the birds all the time. And the yoga class are amazing ❤️ I am a beginning and the teacher take time to help each of us.!I got so relaxed during the time I am staying in Visit Nature Detox Resort. The place also close by Lamai beach very easy to walk there best beach for swimming.read moreread lessSangrida Kaya6/23/2020Best cafe in Samui I really enjoy the juice and healthy food. The resort have really nice pool and nature have sound of the birds all the time. And the yoga class are amazing ❤️ I am a beginning and the teacher take time to help each of us.!I got so relaxed during the time I am staying in Visit Nature Detox Resort. The place also close by Lamai beach very easy to walk there best beach for swimming.read moreread lessSangrida Kaya6/23/2020The most amazing 2 weeks of high energy activity and relaxation in a beautiful and idyllic setting. I was able to discover yoga, meditation, Muay Thai and tick off some fitness goals whilst meeting some incredible people who are now firm (albeit socially-distanced) friends and enjoy fresh, natural plant based foods. Can’t wait to return and hope you are all weathering this crisis okread moreread lessSandra Gunn4/26/2020The most amazing 2 weeks of high energy activity and relaxation in a beautiful and idyllic setting. I was able to discover yoga, meditation, Muay Thai and tick off some fitness goals whilst meeting some incredible people who are now firm (albeit socially-distanced) friends and enjoy fresh, natural plant based foods. Can’t wait to return and hope you are all weathering this crisis okread moreread lessSandra Gunn4/26/2020
- I loved my stay at visit! I ate healthy, exercised, yoga daily, I met amazing people. We all had our reasons for needing a health retreat and surprisingly mine wasn’t the reason I thought it was. Two weeks was great! I wished I could’ve stayed longer!read moreread lessMaryjane C3/30/2020
My friends and I had a wonderful time at the resort! Lander, Rosa and the staff were super friendly and welcoming and after just over 2 weeks there we were very sad to leave...we are planning to go back again next year 🙂 The focus of the resort is health and fitness and there Is a variety different package options available, although there are rooms available for those who are just looking for accommodation. We booked the accommodation and 3 classes per day package. The classes were a great mix of hiking, yoga and cardio so it was definitely a whole body workout. You can obviously chose the intensity you want to work at and some of the people in our group skipped classes but that wasn’t why we were there so the 3 of us went all in...by the end of the first week we could barely move but by the end of the 2nd week we felt great. There are also extra classes like meditation on the beach one evening a week and the May thai boxing class once a week which was super fun. Due to our many aches and pains we went to the thai massage place right across the street most evenings and got massages (full body 250TBH) which was a great way to end the day.The first week we stayed in the basic rooms, they are definitely basic but clean with towels and shampoo etc included. These rooms front onto the busy-ish street and because I am super noise sensitive I found the street noise a bit hard to sleep with. The second week my friend and I moved across to the other side of the complex and shared a superior room which was brighter, had a lovely view of the mountains and quiet. When we go back next year I would just book the superior room.The food...my word, the food was AMAZING. My friends did the detox diet while we were there which they said was nice although it obviously is small portions. However as I’m vegan anyway I couldn’t resist trying all of the amazing options on the menu, there is a huge variety of smoothies, salads, and more filling meals available and I was not disappointed! The resort is a 3-5 minute walk to the beach where you can buy a drink and get a free sunbed for the day (like 70BHT) Although we mostly just hung out on the sun loungers around the pool. One of the great things about this trip was the because the staff were so friendly and you got to know the other guest really well due to doing the exercise classes together we all became great friends during the week. I would have felt just as comfortable going there as a solo traveller.
read moreread lessGzblfst_caia3/24/2020My friends and I had a wonderful time at the resort! Lander, Rosa and the staff were super friendly and welcoming and after just over 2 weeks there we were very sad to leave...we are planning to go back again next year 🙂 The focus of the resort is health and fitness and there Is a variety different package options available, although there are rooms available for those who are just looking for accommodation. We booked the accommodation and 3 classes per day package. The classes were a great mix of hiking, yoga and cardio so it was definitely a whole body workout. You can obviously chose the intensity you want to work at and some of the people in our group skipped classes but that wasn’t why we were there so the 3 of us went all in...by the end of the first week we could barely move but by the end of the 2nd week we felt great. There are also extra classes like meditation on the beach one evening a week and the May thai boxing class once a week which was super fun. Due to our many aches and pains we went to the thai massage place right across the street most evenings and got massages (full body 250TBH) which was a great way to end the day. The first week we stayed in the basic rooms, they are definitely basic but clean with towels and shampoo etc included. These rooms front onto the busy-ish street and because I am super noise sensitive I found the street noise a bit hard to sleep with. The second week my friend and I moved across to the other side of the complex and shared a superior room which was brighter, had a lovely view of the mountains and quiet. When we go back next year I would just book the superior room. The food...my word, the food was AMAZING. My friends did the detox diet while we were there which they said was nice although it obviously is small portions. However as I’m vegan anyway I couldn’t resist trying all of the amazing options on the menu, there is a huge variety of smoothies, salads, and more filling meals available and I was not disappointed! The resort is a 3-5 minute walk to the beach where you can buy a drink and get a free sunbed for the day (like 70BHT) Although we mostly just hung out on the sun loungers around the pool. One of the great things about this trip was the because the staff were so friendly and you got to know the other guest really well due to doing the exercise classes together we all became great friends during the week. I would have felt just as comfortable going there as a solo traveller.read moreread lessCaroline3/24/2020My friends and I had a wonderful time at the resort! Lander, Rosa and the staff were super friendly and welcoming and after just over 2 weeks there we were very sad to leave...we are planning to go back again next year 🙂 The focus of the resort is health and fitness and there Is a variety different package options available, although there are rooms available for those who are just looking for accommodation. We booked the accommodation and 3 classes per day package. The classes were a great mix of hiking, yoga and cardio so it was definitely a whole body workout. You can obviously chose the intensity you want to work at and some of the people in our group skipped classes but that wasn’t why we were there so the 3 of us went all in...by the end of the first week we could barely move but by the end of the 2nd week we felt great. There are also extra classes like meditation on the beach one evening a week and the May thai boxing class once a week which was super fun. Due to our many aches and pains we went to the thai massage place right across the street most evenings and got massages (full body 250TBH) which was a great way to end the day. The first week we stayed in the basic rooms, they are definitely basic but clean with towels and shampoo etc included. These rooms front onto the busy-ish street and because I am super noise sensitive I found the street noise a bit hard to sleep with. The second week my friend and I moved across to the other side of the complex and shared a superior room which was brighter, had a lovely view of the mountains and quiet. When we go back next year I would just book the superior room. The food...my word, the food was AMAZING. My friends did the detox diet while we were there which they said was nice although it obviously is small portions. However as I’m vegan anyway I couldn’t resist trying all of the amazing options on the menu, there is a huge variety of smoothies, salads, and more filling meals available and I was not disappointed! The resort is a 3-5 minute walk to the beach where you can buy a drink and get a free sunbed for the day (like 70BHT) Although we mostly just hung out on the sun loungers around the pool. One of the great things about this trip was the because the staff were so friendly and you got to know the other guest really well due to doing the exercise classes together we all became great friends during the week. I would have felt just as comfortable going there as a solo traveller.
read moreread lessCaroline3/24/2020Edit done below: It is lovely! The service, the food, everything. Totally recommend it to everyone! I would definitely come back.They took special care of me and my husband as it is our honeymoon. We got a surprise in the room with flowers and decoration on the bed.All the staff members are so kind!Unfortunately I got hurt in the pool and cut my foot. The hotel staff was so kind! They helped me to arrange everything to go to the hospital and taxi to there and back. That is the best service and support I have received. I can't express how grateful I am. Everyone from the staff is amazing.Thank you so much for everything ♥️read moreread lessKonstantina Dimitrova Attanasio3/13/2020 - Edit done below: It is lovely! The service, the food, everything. Totally recommend it to everyone! I would definitely come back.They took special care of me and my husband as it is our honeymoon. We got a surprise in the room with flowers and decoration on the bed.All the staff members are so kind!Unfortunately I got hurt in the pool and cut my foot. The hotel staff was so kind! They helped me to arrange everything to go to the hospital and taxi to there and back. That is the best service and support I have received. I can't express how grateful I am. Everyone from the staff is amazing.Thank you so much for everything ♥️read moreread lessKonstantina Dimitrova Attanasio3/12/2020
I was referred to the resort by a friend who had done the two week package and loved it. When she returned she was slim, fit, and more mellow in her demeanor. So, I had to check it out for myself, and was not disappointed. Lander, the manager greeted our group of arrivals on the first day with a fun orientation to the resort and schedule of events. Every day was filled with new activities, hikes, trips, exercises, yoga, meditation, etc. The other participants were really fun to get to know and we quickly made friends. Dylloris (sp?) was my favorite exercise teacher with her big smile, super friendly manner, and great training program. She made an individual health assessment of each of us on the first and last day. I lost over 10 lbs and felt great. The restaurant was also amazing, and the staff were really wonderful. everyone knows your name by the first day and greets you with a big smile. I had such a good time, I added another week to my stay at the resort. The island itself is very beautiful as well, and I wanted more time to explore. Thank you for an amazing tine!
read moreread lessjohnmQ5443AD3/03/2020I was referred to the resort by a friend who had done the two week package and loved it. When she returned she was slim, fit, and more mellow in her demeanor. So, I had to check it out for myself, and was not disappointed. Lander, the manager greeted our group of arrivals on the first day with a fun orientation to the resort and schedule of events. Every day was filled with new activities, hikes, trips, exercises, yoga, meditation, etc. The other participants were really fun to get to know and we quickly made friends. Dylloris (sp?) was my favorite exercise teacher with her big smile, super friendly manner, and great training program. She made an individual health assessment of each of us on the first and last day. I lost over 10 lbs and felt great. The restaurant was also amazing, and the staff were really wonderful. everyone knows your name by the first day and greets you with a big smile. I had such a good time, I added another week to my stay at the resort. The island itself is very beautiful as well, and I wanted more time to explore. Thank you for an amazing tine!read moreread lessDr. John3/03/2020I was referred to the resort by a friend who had done the two week package and loved it. When she returned she was slim, fit, and more mellow in her demeanor. So, I had to check it out for myself, and was not disappointed. Lander, the manager greeted our group of arrivals on the first day with a fun orientation to the resort and schedule of events. Every day was filled with new activities, hikes, trips, exercises, yoga, meditation, etc. The other participants were really fun to get to know and we quickly made friends. Dylloris (sp?) was my favorite exercise teacher with her big smile, super friendly manner, and great training program. She made an individual health assessment of each of us on the first and last day. I lost over 10 lbs and felt great. The restaurant was also amazing, and the staff were really wonderful. everyone knows your name by the first day and greets you with a big smile. I had such a good time, I added another week to my stay at the resort. The island itself is very beautiful as well, and I wanted more time to explore. Thank you for an amazing tine!
read moreread lessDr. J.3/03/2020I did the 8 day fitness program - classes and room only. It was amazing!!! I was looking for a yoga retreat and found this one with added hiking and exercise classes. As someone who loves exercising in groups I was excited to begin. The program didn’t disappoint, it is a jam packed schedule. The daily schedule was:- 7am hike/cycle -10.30am yoga -1.30pm yoga -5pm strength conditioning class I especially enjoyed the early morning hikes, which were led by Lander and Rosa who were fantastic hosts. It was a great way to see local sights such as Overlap stone. I thoroughly enjoyed the jungle/waterfall hike, and the Buddha hike. Hiking these spots during the early morning sunrise is an amazing way to see the beauty of the little island of ko samui. The daily yoga classes on offer are taught by lovely, enthusiastic teachers who will cater to your ability level.The strength and conditioning classes with Dloris were tough, especially in the heat but this is the type of exercise to do if you actually really want to see progress in changing your body. Although I didn’t sign up for the detox program, I was offered a PT assessment at the beginning and end of the week, where my weight and body fat and other metrics were measured. Interesting, and I actually lost weight just by completing the exercise program. I ate onsite at the Wild Tribe cafe every day. It was too convenient and I wanted to sample everything on the menu because it was delicious! The smoothies are sooo amazing! The cafe was also convenient to do some work during my stay. The only thing is that sometimes the WiFi wasn’t amazing, there are several networks but sometimes it was slower than I’m used to. Another point about the cafe is the staff who work there. They were all just so lovely and hospitable, they really made me feel at home. It was such a nice community vibe which really makes a difference when you’re a solo traveller like me. Another point is that because the program runs Sunday-Sunday, you’ll meet others in your group so you’ll see familiar faces during your stay and get to know them, which is a great way to meet people from all over the world! ☺️My room (bungalow) was decent, it had everything I needed. I didn’t spend much time in my room to be honest. I spent more time in between classes sunbathing by the pool. The resort is conveniently located 5 mins from the beach. On the same street there’s a massage parlour, laundry place, and Muay Thai boxing school (we got to do a class as part of the exercise program - highly recommend!) Overall, my stay here was amazing. I made some incredible memories which I look back on with happiness. Exercising, movement of the body and taking care of the mind with yoga and meditation is so important and being able to do this dedicated program in the beautiful climes of ko samui was an absolute joy. I would highly recommend to anybody who is interested in taking care of their health. I would love to come back in the future and do this all again!!! Much love to all the team at Visit natural detox!!!
read moreread lesskatcarnations3/01/2020I did the 8 day fitness program - classes and room only. It was amazing!!! I was looking for a yoga retreat and found this one with added hiking and exercise classes. As someone who loves exercising in groups I was excited to begin. The program didn’t disappoint, it is a jam packed schedule. The daily schedule was: - 7am hike/cycle -10.30am yoga -1.30pm yoga -5pm strength conditioning class I especially enjoyed the early morning hikes, which were led by Lander and Rosa who were fantastic hosts. It was a great way to see local sights such as Overlap stone. I thoroughly enjoyed the jungle/waterfall hike, and the Buddha hike. Hiking these spots during the early morning sunrise is an amazing way to see the beauty of the little island of ko samui. The daily yoga classes on offer are taught by lovely, enthusiastic teachers who will cater to your ability level. The strength and conditioning classes with Dloris were tough, especially in the heat but this is the type of exercise to do if you actually really want to see progress in changing your body. Although I didn’t sign up for the detox program, I was offered a PT assessment at the beginning and end of the week, where my weight and body fat and other metrics were measured. Interesting, and I actually lost weight just by completing the exercise program. I ate onsite at the Wild Tribe cafe every day. It was too convenient and I wanted to sample everything on the menu because it was delicious! The smoothies are sooo amazing! The cafe was also convenient to do some work during my stay. The only thing is that sometimes the WiFi wasn’t amazing, there are several networks but sometimes it was slower than I’m used to. Another point about the cafe is the staff who work there. They were all just so lovely and hospitable, they really made me feel at home. It was such a nice community vibe which really makes a difference when you’re a solo traveller like me. Another point is that because the program runs Sunday-Sunday, you’ll meet others in your group so you’ll see familiar faces during your stay and get to know them, which is a great way to meet people from all over the world! ☺️ My room (bungalow) was decent, it had everything I needed. I didn’t spend much time in my room to be honest. I spent more time in between classes sunbathing by the pool. The resort is conveniently located 5 mins from the beach. On the same street there’s a massage parlour, laundry place, and Muay Thai boxing school (we got to do a class as part of the exercise program - highly recommend!) Overall, my stay here was amazing. I made some incredible memories which I look back on with happiness. Exercising, movement of the body and taking care of the mind with yoga and meditation is so important and being able to do this dedicated program in the beautiful climes of ko samui was an absolute joy. I would highly recommend to anybody who is interested in taking care of their health. I would love to come back in the future and do this all again!!! Much love to all the team at Visit natural detox!!!read moreread lessKat T3/01/2020I did the 8 day fitness program - classes and room only. It was amazing!!! I was looking for a yoga retreat and found this one with added hiking and exercise classes. As someone who loves exercising in groups I was excited to begin. The program didn’t disappoint, it is a jam packed schedule. The daily schedule was: - 7am hike/cycle -10.30am yoga -1.30pm yoga -5pm strength conditioning class I especially enjoyed the early morning hikes, which were led by Lander and Rosa who were fantastic hosts. It was a great way to see local sights such as Overlap stone. I thoroughly enjoyed the jungle/waterfall hike, and the Buddha hike. Hiking these spots during the early morning sunrise is an amazing way to see the beauty of the little island of ko samui. The daily yoga classes on offer are taught by lovely, enthusiastic teachers who will cater to your ability level. The strength and conditioning classes with Dloris were tough, especially in the heat but this is the type of exercise to do if you actually really want to see progress in changing your body. Although I didn’t sign up for the detox program, I was offered a PT assessment at the beginning and end of the week, where my weight and body fat and other metrics were measured. Interesting, and I actually lost weight just by completing the exercise program. I ate onsite at the Wild Tribe cafe every day. It was too convenient and I wanted to sample everything on the menu because it was delicious! The smoothies are sooo amazing! The cafe was also convenient to do some work during my stay. The only thing is that sometimes the WiFi wasn’t amazing, there are several networks but sometimes it was slower than I’m used to. Another point about the cafe is the staff who work there. They were all just so lovely and hospitable, they really made me feel at home. It was such a nice community vibe which really makes a difference when you’re a solo traveller like me. Another point is that because the program runs Sunday-Sunday, you’ll meet others in your group so you’ll see familiar faces during your stay and get to know them, which is a great way to meet people from all over the world! ☺️ My room (bungalow) was decent, it had everything I needed. I didn’t spend much time in my room to be honest. I spent more time in between classes sunbathing by the pool. The resort is conveniently located 5 mins from the beach. On the same street there’s a massage parlour, laundry place, and Muay Thai boxing school (we got to do a class as part of the exercise program - highly recommend!) Overall, my stay here was amazing. I made some incredible memories which I look back on with happiness. Exercising, movement of the body and taking care of the mind with yoga and meditation is so important and being able to do this dedicated program in the beautiful climes of ko samui was an absolute joy. I would highly recommend to anybody who is interested in taking care of their health. I would love to come back in the future and do this all again!!! Much love to all the team at Visit natural detox!!!
read moreread lessKat T.3/01/2020My experience in this resort was amazing. The sport program is really well built and well organized and it suits any fitness level. All the teachers were very experienced and professional. Rosa and Lander, who are managing the program are very friendly accommodating and helpful. The atmosphere in the resort is really nice. The resort has a cafè-restaurant with delicious food vegan / vegetarian friendly. I definitely recommand ' Visit Natural Detox Resort'.
read moreread lesssanjuanchamula2/26/2020My experience in this resort was amazing. The sport program is really well built and well organized and it suits any fitness level. All the teachers were very experienced and professional. Rosa and Lander, who are managing the program are very friendly accommodating and helpful. The atmosphere in the resort is really nice. The resort has a cafè-restaurant with delicious food vegan / vegetarian friendly. I definitely recommand ' Visit Natural Detox Resort'.read moreread lesssanjuanchamula2/26/2020 -
My experience in this resort was amazing. The sport program is really well built and well organized and it suits any fitness level. All the teachers were very experienced and professional. Rosa and Lander, who are managing the program are very friendly accommodating and helpful. The atmosphere in the resort is really nice. The resort has a cafè-restaurant with delicious food vegan / vegetarian friendly. I definitely recommand ' Visit Natural Detox Resort'.
read moreread lesssanjuanchamula2/26/2020I was a solo female travelling for the first time and my mind was set to ease by the lovely Rosa through email prior my arrival. I thoroughly enjoyed being active all day and having such delicious treats (Wild Tribe) so easily accessible. I particularly loved the fact that the classes were small so it was like a wee family and intimate, meaning more attention to individuals. It's true that you can hear the Muai Thai School next door but you would also be training during the day. The beach is also very close for relaxing. All the staff were so welcoming and smiley. I arrived feeling stressed and a bit hollow... finished my 8 days feeling more confident and optimistic. I'll be back! Thanks VNDR team!
read moreread lessSBHex2/25/2020I was a solo female travelling for the first time and my mind was set to ease by the lovely Rosa through email prior my arrival. I thoroughly enjoyed being active all day and having such delicious treats (Wild Tribe) so easily accessible. I particularly loved the fact that the classes were small so it was like a wee family and intimate, meaning more attention to individuals. It's true that you can hear the Muai Thai School next door but you would also be training during the day. The beach is also very close for relaxing. All the staff were so welcoming and smiley. I arrived feeling stressed and a bit hollow... finished my 8 days feeling more confident and optimistic. I'll be back! Thanks VNDR team!read moreread lessStella2/25/2020I was a solo female travelling for the first time and my mind was set to ease by the lovely Rosa through email prior my arrival. I thoroughly enjoyed being active all day and having such delicious treats (Wild Tribe) so easily accessible. I particularly loved the fact that the classes were small so it was like a wee family and intimate, meaning more attention to individuals. It's true that you can hear the Muai Thai School next door but you would also be training during the day. The beach is also very close for relaxing. All the staff were so welcoming and smiley. I arrived feeling stressed and a bit hollow... finished my 8 days feeling more confident and optimistic. I'll be back! Thanks VNDR team!
read moreread lessStella2/25/2020A very forward thinking resort with the kindest staff. If you’re looking to detox or get fit, this is the perfect place - combining fitness, health and wellness together with the beauty of Samui. The packages include trips and hikes around the island which really allows you to appreciate nature and the islands beauty, balancing work and pleasure perfectly. The restaurant Wild Tribe serves high quality food that will nourish your soul! A vegetarian menu with vegan options, as well as the option to add chicken or fish. Highly recommended to just eat here everyday! Overall, we had an excellent stay and look forward to come back next year 😀read moreread lessVicky Kroon2/19/2020A very forward thinking resort with the kindest staff. If you’re looking to detox or get fit, this is the perfect place - combining fitness, health and wellness together with the beauty of Samui. The packages include trips and hikes around the island which really allows you to appreciate nature and the islands beauty, balancing work and pleasure perfectly. The restaurant Wild Tribe serves high quality food that will nourish your soul! A vegetarian menu with vegan options, as well as the option to add chicken or fish. Highly recommended to just eat here everyday! Overall, we had an excellent stay and look forward to come back next year 😀
read moreread lessVicky K.2/19/2020A very forward thinking resort with the kindest staff. If you’re looking to detox or get fit, this is the perfect place - combining fitness, health and wellness together with the beauty of Samui. The packages include trips and hikes around the island which really allows you to appreciate nature and the islands beauty, balancing work and pleasure perfectly. The restaurant Wild Tribe serves high quality food that will nourish your soul! A vegetarian menu with vegan options, as well as the option to add chicken or fish. Highly recommended to just eat here everyday! Overall, we had an excellent stay and look forward to come back next year 😀
read moreread lessVickykroon2/18/2020